Shifting Toward Innovation: How CIOs Can Accelerate Enterprise Success

The CIO has always played an important role in businesses successes. Today, with a digital transformation underway at most businesses, their role is expanding beyond IT and the CIO is becoming central to the success of various departments.

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Nitin Nijhawan, CDOicon

CIOs are now also being tasked with leading the charge for innovation across departments and creating an actionable plan to guarantee business success.
To get there however they must work together with other leaders to understand what’s needed to improve and innovate across the various parts of the company and find ways to bring in new technologies that work together to support business growth into the future.
Here are some of the areas that CIOs should focus on as they accelerate enterprise innovation if they want to keep the business a step ahead of the competition.


Most business users today are utilizing mobile technologies and applications to improve productivity and cut costs. In the future, as new groundbreaking technologies are introduced, they will be built on the mobile framework and having a network that’s prepared to support the development and management of these new initiatives is a must.
As a CIO it’s important to continue to add to the technology stack in a way that supports future mobility while keeping its significance top of mind.

Robotic Process Automation

Many businesses are doing more with less today and that’s helping them to succeed in all new ways. As the CIO, it’s important to adopt tools that keep businesses accelerating at this pace. Enter Robotic Process Automation (RPA).
These applications make it possible for businesses to automate services and relieve employees of manual tasks so they can focus on their core competencies. As an added benefit, automation can reduce development costs and an RPA that’s well designed, managed and planned also provides the extra push enterprises need to improve ROI.

Cloud Computing

CIOs are already familiar with the benefits cloud technologies bring to business in the IT setting. In the future, the push to become even more agile and flexible in other areas of the business will be led by cloud computing technologies. With this technology, collaboration efforts, stronger security, and cost savings greater than have yet been recognized, are all possible. Also with the cloud, businesses can get software updates, recover data in a disaster, and grow at scale as demands change. All of these equip the business to run smoother and better than ever before.
Heading into the future, the role of the CIO is an especially critical one. In terms of business innovation, only those who embrace partnerships that move toward a unified vision will achieve goals.
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