Ability to monitor medical records at any time and on any device. Reduced paper consumption. Secure cloud storage. Easily managed family records.
Now patients can go to one place for their prescriptions, appointments, records and more. Client expressed a desire to have all of their medical data records in one platform. We architected, designed, and developed a hybrid mobile application using the Apache Cordova platform. The application allows users to easily manage their medical records such as prescriptions, reports, test results, and medical files related to allergies and medical conditions on one platform in online and offline modes. The users can share their reports with their doctors and family members, and store and manage the medical data for their families. All data is hosted on secure cloud servers with 256-bit transfer encryption.
Secure Platform needed for clients to stores, access and share medical data
Developed a hybird mobile application using Apache Cordova platform which allows users to easily manage their records.
To learn more, please download the case study.
Express JS
Next JS
Mongo DB
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