How to Outsource iOS Mobile App Development Company Without Any Risk

About The Author

Tracy-GardnerTracy Gardner Global Chief Marketing Officer
LinkedIn|8 Aug 2023

Undoubtedly, building an app is the logical next step for your business to expand. It’s essential to consider outsourcing or managing mobile app development internally.  

Here are reasons why you should outsource an iOS app development company: 

  • Focus on core business 
  • Risk management 
  • Cost-effective and efficient 
  • Faster project completion time 
  • Better flexibility 

Revenue from the outsourcing app market is predicted to represent an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2028) of 1.82%, resulting in a market volume of US$129.90bn by 2028.  

Hiring iOS app developers to build engaging and flawless business apps is very challenging.  

Here are several outsourcing challenges companies face: 

  • Investment difficulties 
  • Loss of internal expertise 
  • Hidden costs 
  • Poor communication 
  • Security risks 

So, if you want to outsource a company for your iOS app development project without risks, read this blog! 

Benefits of Outsourcing iOS App Development 

Benefits of Outsourcing iOS App Development

Here are a few benefits of outsourcing iOS app development: 

Lower Cost 

Minimized iOS app development costs are the main benefit of outsourcing iOS app development companies.  

Recruiting a talented development team is time-consuming & costly. With an in-house app development team, you’ll have to spend for a range of expenses - from recruiting candidates' costs to overhead prices related to office infrastructure or workstations.  

Hiring a dedicated mobile app development team from an outsourcing company allows you to enjoy access to top talent without worrying about a full-time expert's budget.  

With an outsourced iOS app development company, you can work with developers from cheaper regions, such as Eastern Europe. As a result, you can save a lot of money without sacrificing the quality of the final product. 

High Flexibility 

Outsourcing enables your business to rapidly adjust the size of the development team, adapting to changing business needs with ease and agility. 

On the other hand, achieving the same flexibility with an in-house team requires significantly more time and incurs higher expenses. Additionally, scaling down an in-house team could lead to employee layoffs, potentially impacting team morale and tarnishing the company's reputation as an employer. 

Faster app development 

Forming an in-house team of software developers is a time-consuming process. Based on our experience, locating, attracting, and hiring skilled professionals typically takes approximately three months.  

Consequently, entrepreneurs must wait several months before the team is fully assembled and prepared to commence app development. 

In contrast, outsourcing the development process enables business owners to expedite their app's time-to-market since specialized providers can establish a team of tech experts within a much shorter timeframe, often just one or two weeks. 

Tested strategies 

IT outsourcing providers offer access to teams that have worked on multiple projects and written many applications. 

As a result, an outsourced team has well-defined processes and workflows that keep everyone productive and speed up the development process, ensuring top quality at every project step. 

Access to top global talent 

As IT companies grow, they get involved in more ambitious and challenging projects, leading them to recruit top-notch specialists in their respective fields. This strategic move is essential to effectively meet their clients' ever-increasing demands. 

When you outsource your app development project to such an agency, you gain the advantage of accessing a pool of skilled engineers who have undergone rigorous vetting by the company.  

In addition, their expertise has been proven in numerous diverse projects, ensuring a reliable and capable workforce to handle your development needs. 
 IOS App development trends

Also Learn: iOS app development guide to grow your business at full potential. 

Risks to Consider When Outsourcing iOS App Development 

Here are several risks you can face when outsourcing iOS app development: 

Possible Leaks of Sensitive Data 

Data holds immense power, and any business must prioritize data protection. When engaging with mobile app developers, granting them access to your data and sensitive information about your business or customers becomes necessary.  

It is highly recommended to establish a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) right from the outset. 

Virtual Communication 

Video conferences cannot establish the same rapport as face-to-face meetings. Consequently, when your vendor is not situated in the same city, embracing digital collaboration as a viable alternative is essential. 

Time Zones Differences 

Due to the increasing demand for cost-effective solutions, numerous clients opt for offshore vendors who provide services at more affordable rates. Consequently, adapting to different time zones becomes necessary when collaborating with such vendors. 

For example, you might wake up when a developer is already concluding their workday due to the time zone difference. To effectively address this challenge, the key lies in identifying a solution that allows for overlapping hours suitable for all parties involved. 

Cultural Barriers 

Our cultural background significantly influences our lives, including how we communicate, eat, and conduct business. Hence, when engaging with vendors from different cultural backgrounds, it becomes crucial to be mindful of potential cultural barriers.  

These differences may manifest in communication styles and business mindsets, necessitating sensitivity and understanding to foster successful collaboration. 

How to Reduce Outsource Risks Successfully 

Here are some tips to minimize the risk & select a reliable, experienced, and professional IT outsourcing company: 

  • Select an outsourcing company located in a country. If meeting the team in person is a priority, opt for a company located in a readily accessible area, ideally in a city with an airport. 
  • Ensure the work standards of the company you want to outsource match yours. 
  • Successful project management depends on accurate documentation. So exercising extra vigilance is advisable when you outsource app development. 
  • You can protect your project from the moment of signing the contract with your provider. 
  • Address the risk of data leaks by signing an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). In addition, you need to find out how the outsourcing app development provider protects its assets against common cyber threats. 
  • Organize a joint kick-off meeting to know the outsourcing team better (and vice-versa) and build a sense of commitment. 
  • Ensure you will get frequent updates about development projects from your partner (e.g., during Scrum meetings).  
  • Ask your provider for reports to keep you updated about the project’s progress. 
  • Learn about the provider’s development process & Quality Assurance to address the abovementioned risks in this blog.  

How to Outsource iOS App Development Without any Risk 

How to Outsource iOS App Development Without any Risk

Here are six steps you need to follow to outsource iOS app development without risk: 

Identify the Project Requirements and the Budget  

Every process begins with a goal, and app development outsourcing is no different. The first step is to define the purpose behind creating the app for your company. Identify the problems the app will address and the value it will bring.  

A thorough examination of your company's background and a comprehensive understanding of all project details are essential to avoid potential discrepancies in the future. 

Additionally, budgeting is a critical aspect that should be addressed immediately. The budget allocated for your app may significantly impact its functionality and the available options for outsourcing its development. 

Choose the Right Development Option 

Based on your project's specific requirements and limitations, certain choices may not be the most suitable. For instance: 

  • If you plan to outsource app development for iOS, you must seek specialists with extensive experience and a profound understanding of Swift or Java development languages. 
  • Should you have a tight budget, engaging a software development agency may not be feasible, necessitating exploring alternative development options. 
  • If your app idea is intricate and demands extensive customization, off-the-shelf solutions might not meet your needs. 

Ultimately, the key objective is to select an option that ensures the delivery of a high-quality app within your predetermined budget.  

Search for Developers  

When searching for experienced specialists and long-term partners, relying solely on Google search may not be sufficient. It's crucial to ensure that you are dealing with professionals. To make the process more convenient, talent marketplaces can be a viable option. 

For instance, platforms like Upwork and TopTal are popular for finding freelancers. These platforms allow you to explore developers' expertise and read reviews from their previous clients, helping you make an informed decision. 

If you are looking for agencies, Clutch offers access to over 26,000 vendors specializing in mobile app development services. Additionally, you can filter your search to find agencies that specialize in the specific platform you are interested in. 

Apple App Store Earnings of Mobile App Developers as of January 2023 is shown in below figure: 


Beyond expertise, it's essential to consider geographical factors. Since close communication is vital, you need to factor in time zones. Vendors can be categorized into three groups based on this parameter: 

  • Onshore 
  • Offshore  
  • Nearshore  

Finding the right balance between communication ease and cost-effectiveness is crucial. 

Evaluate the Developer’s Expertise and Experience 

 Here are several things to consider during an initial assessment of any development team, including: 


At VLink, we prioritize showcasing real expertise in the field through our portfolio of similar past projects. We believe practical experience holds more value than certificates alone, as it demonstrates the ability to successfully implement solutions rather than relying solely on theoretical knowledge. 

Technology stack 

Ensure that individual specialists and teams possess the technical skills to effectively implement the idea behind your application. 


Contact previous clients or conduct online research to gather feedback about the vendor's work. This process can provide additional unbiased information, such as the vendor's high level of skill but a tendency to miss deadlines. 

Pick an Appropriate Service Model 

Based on the number of responsibilities and involvement, you can outsource mobile app development following three service models: 

Dedicated team 

In the dedicated development team model, the team is responsible for completing assigned tasks and ensuring quality, while the client retains decision-making authority. 

Project-based outsourcing 

It’s a rigid model based on a fixed budget and pre-assigned requirements that cannot be modified during the project.  

Staff augmentation or extended team 

IT staff augmentation means hiring additional specialists to supplement your in-house team of app developers.   

Learn About: Staff Augmentation vs. IT Outsourcing: Which Is Best for Your Business? 

Select a Payment Model 

 There are two commonly employed payment models in the software development industry: 

Fixed price model 

Under this payment approach, the cost is predetermined based on the technical specifications and project scope. It is often utilized for smaller and relatively simple app development projects, such as creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a startup. 

Time and material model 

This payment model comes into play when it's challenging to accurately estimate the amount of work involved or when the client anticipates making changes to the project during development without altering the contract.  

With this approach, the client pays as the development progresses, and the agreed-upon hourly rates of the developers determine the payment. 

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Outsource App Development Company? 

Outsourcing app development costs may vary from USD $3,000-$300,000. It will be helpful when determining the budget for the future app. As for iOS developers in Estonia, Swift programmers earn USD $27,000/year and USD $74,750/year in the US.  

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Outsource App Development Company

Here is a list of factors to define the final cost of outsourcing an iOS app development company: 

  • Geographic location 
  • App Type and Complexity  
  • Purpose of development 
  • Urgency 
  • Supported platform 
  • Development Approach 
  • The complexity of UI/UX design 
  • Back-end infrastructure 

Consider VLink as Your Reliable Outsource iOS mobile app development partner! 

VLink stands as a prominent iOS mobile app development company specializing in outsourced services. Our accomplished team possesses extensive expertise in creating applications for various platforms, including Apple Watch, iBeacon, iPhone, and iOS, in addition to their proficiency in Android and web app development. 

If you want to assemble your remote iOS app development team, we will provide your pre-select matching employees for your project according to the IT staffing model.  

Contact us with your requirements. We will provide a perfect iOS app solution to meet your business needs. 

skip the research

Frequently Asked Questions
How to keep a remote development team productive?

If you want to keep a remote development team productive, here are several tips you need to follow: 

  • Maintain clear communication channels 
  • Set achievable goals 
  • Provide necessary tools and resources 
  • Encourage collaboration 
  • Schedule regular check-ins 

Ensure a healthy work-life balance and recognize achievements to keep the remote development team productive.  

What is app development outsourcing?

App development outsourcing is hiring external companies or freelancers to design, develop, and maintain mobile or web applications. It allows businesses to access specialized skills, reduce costs, and focus on core activities while leveraging the expertise of external teams for their app projects. 

How to check mobile app developer expertise?

To check a mobile app developer's expertise: 

  1. Review their portfolio for relevant and successful projects. 
  2. Evaluate their technical skills through coding tests or challenges. 
  3. Check for certifications, industry experience, and client testimonials.  

Conduct interviews to assess communication, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability. Request references and conduct thorough background checks if needed. 

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