Complete Guide to Build an Online Shopping App Like Shein

About The Author

Nikhil-KhandelwalNikhil Khandelwal VP Engineering
LinkedIn|9 Nov 2023

Retailers are looking for the best way to participate in this thriving business and are following suit by diversifying their applications through e-commerce applications. Considering its business sharing and information seeking, Shein is one of the online fashion apps that has set the industry on fire. 

There is no doubt that fashion brands have experienced major changes in their business models in recent years. Now is the time when fashion brands want to buy directly from retailers. But now they have started visiting many e-commerce sites to manage their sales. 

The e-commerce market is expected to grow rapidly from $4.248 trillion to $7.391 billion by 2025, and the e-commerce market is growing every year.  


When your application is customized, you can be sure that it will deliver the same quality and performance to your customers. It is a good choice to create an app store like Shein that can give you the best results. 

In this blog, we’ll talk about building an online shopping app like Shein and knowing features, process, and costs required. But first, you should know why it’s required. 

Why Do You Need an Online Shopping App Like Shein? 

Developing apps for the store requires time and effort, so you should seek help from professionals with expertise in your mobile app development needs. Here are the top reasons why you need one for your shopping business: 

1- Improve conversion rate

Customers who use your app to purchase clothing expect a simple process that increases conversions. Building a mobile store app can be expensive, but it can increase your revenue while meeting customer needs. 

Apps like Shein make it easier for customers to track their purchases on their smartphone. This is why you should create apps like Shein to delight and convert your customers.  

2- Increase business awareness

Name recognition is now the best part of Shein Clone app development. Since most customers spend time on mobile devices, businesses will consider using apps to communicate with their customers. 

If you want to find on-demand app development services, you need to knock on the doors of professionals. A deep knowledge of technology and new trends will help you create the next generation of professional mobile applications. 

Growth of Shein app downloads (in millions)

3- Develop strong corporate communication

The emergence of fashion e-commerce apps development will increase sales. Businesses also use mobile applications to improve communication between customers. Push notifications can be used to connect users to apps like Shein. 

If you decide to build an app like Shein, you should hire a professional developer to work with you to identify the best option for your business. So, if you want to create an app that increases sales and provides high ROI, you need to work with experts. 

4- Improve customer loyalty

Creating a unique app can help you retain your customers. Since people use their phones to make purchases, they will check your apps to see what's popular. If they like your services and products, they will recommend Shein Clone app to my friends. In the future, consumers will only use apps to purchase goods and services. Simply put, it's about building relationships with your customers. 

Top features for online shopping app development like Shein 

When developing an online shopping app like Shein, it's essential to incorporate several top features to enhance the user experience. Here are some key features to consider: 

  • User-Friendly Interface 

Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface with easy navigation, allowing users to browse products effortlessly. 

  • Product Catalog 

Create a comprehensive product catalog with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and filters for categories, sizes, and colors. 

  • Personalized Recommendations 

Implement AI-based algorithms to provide personalized product recommendations based on user preferences and browsing history. 

  • User Profiles 

Allow users to create profiles, save favorite items, and track their order history for a personalized shopping experience. 

  • Secure Payment Options 

Integrate multiple secure payment gateways, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and cash on delivery, to facilitate convenient transactions. 

  • Shopping Cart 

Enable users to add, edit, and remove items from their shopping cart, and provide a seamless checkout process. 

  • Reviews & Ratings 

Include a review and rating system for products, allowing customers to share their feedback and make informed purchasing decisions. 

  • Wishlist 

Let users create and manage wishlists, making it easy for them to save products they intend to purchase later. 

  • Push Notifications 

Send real-time notifications about discounts, offers, and order status updates to keep users engaged


  • Order Tracking 

Provide a feature for users to track the status of their orders in real-time, ensuring transparency in the delivery process. 

  • Social Media Integration 

Allow users to sign in using their social media accounts and share their favorite products with friends and followers. 

  • Customer Support 

Offer 24/7 customer support through chat, email, or phone to address user inquiries and concerns promptly. 

  • Seamless Returns & Refunds 

Implement a hassle-free return and refund process, making it easy for customers to initiate returns when necessary. 

  • Analytics & Insights 

Integrate analytics tools to gather data on user behavior, sales, and app performance, enabling data-driven decision-making. 

By incorporating these features into your online shopping app, you can create a compelling and competitive platform similar to Shein, attracting and retaining a broad user base. 

Process to Build an Online Shopping App Like Shein 

By following these recommendations and investing the necessary effort, you can breathe life into your fashion app concept.  

1- Market Research & Analyzing Competitors

Before embarking on the development journey, it's crucial to conduct in-depth market research and scrutinize your competitors. This phase will guide you in conducting market research, pinpointing your target audience, and evaluating your rivals to gain a competitive edge. 

Also determine what will make your app stand out from the competition. It could be personalized recommendations, a vast product catalog, or a specific niche focus. 

2- Defining Your App's Unique Selling Point (USP)

To distinguish yourself in the competitive fashion app arena, it's vital to identify your app's unique selling proposition. We'll explore various factors that can set your app apart, such as personalized recommendations, a seamless user experience, and exclusive collaborations.  

3- Wireframing and Prototyping

Prior to diving into the actual development process, creating wireframes and prototypes is of utmost importance. These tools help in visualizing the app's structure and functionality. We'll discuss the significance of wireframing and provide insights into crafting effective prototypes using modern design tools. 

4- Designing the User Interface (UI)

The user interface wields substantial influence in attracting and retaining users. In this section, we'll delve into the principles of effective UI design, encompassing visual aesthetics, user-friendly navigation, and responsive layouts. Make sure you pay attention to page navigation, product displays, and ease of use.  

5- Implementing Features & Functionality

To propel your app to success, you must offer compelling features and functionality. We will go into detail on the essential features for a fashion app like Shein, such as comprehensive product catalogs, advanced search filters, secure payment gateways, shopping cart, order management, and a secure checkout process, and seamless social sharing options.  

6- Developing the App's Backend

Backend development is a pivotal process for managing data storage, user authentication, and server-side operations. We'll explore various backend development approaches, whether it involves utilizing cloud services or constructing a custom backend. Develop the server-side logic, database management, and handling of requests. Ensure secure data storage and user authentication.  

7- Testing & Ensuring Quality

Conduct thorough testing including functional testing, usability testing, performance testing, and security testing to identify and rectify any issues. Thorough testing and quality assurance are paramount to guarantee a bug-free and seamless user experience. Various testing & QA techniques, encompassing functional testing, usability testing, and performance testing should be utilized.  

8- Deploying & Launching App

Once your app is ready for the world, it's time to introduce it to the market. This section will walk you through the app submission process to major app stores and offer insights into effective marketing strategies to reach your target audience. 

9- Maintenance & Updates

To maintain the relevance and engagement of your app, gathering user feedback is imperative. We'll explore diverse methods for collecting user feedback, such as in-app surveys and app analytics, and elucidate how to leverage this feedback for continuous improvement. 

Tech Stack to Build Online Shopping App Like Shein 

Building an online shopping app like Shein requires a well-considered technology stack to ensure optimal performance, scalability, and security. 

Here's a tech stack that you can consider: 

  • Programming Languages: JavaScript/TypeScript, Python/Node.js 
  • Frontend Frameworks: React Native, React.js or Vue.js 
  • Backend Framework: Node.js with Express.js for server-side applications. 
  • Database Management: MySQL or PostgreSQL, NoSQL databases like MongoDB 
  • Cloud Services: Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure and Firebase 
  • Analytics & User Behavior Tracking: Google Analytics and Mixpanel 
  • UI/UX Design Tools: Sketch, Adobe XD, and Figma 
  • Testing Frameworks: Jest for unit testing and Cypress for end-to-end testing. 

The choice of technologies can vary based on your specific requirements, team expertise, and budget. It's essential to regularly update and maintain your tech stack to keep up with evolving technologies and security needs. 

Preferred tech stack for shopping app development Additionally, prioritize data security and ensure compliance with data protection regulations, especially when handling customer information in an online shopping app. 

Cost of online shopping app development like Shein 

The expense associated with creating an app resembling Shein can fluctuate significantly, hinging on factors like feature intricacy, design complexity, the target platform(s), and the proficiency of the development team. 

In broad strokes, a rudimentary version of the app might commence at approximately $25,000, whereas a more extensive and sophisticated rendition could entail expenses exceeding $100,000 or more. It's vital to bear in mind that the initial development cost is just the tip of the iceberg; continuous maintenance and updates will contribute to the overall financial outlay. 

Furthermore, businesses should factor in the cost of marketing and promoting the app to guarantee its triumphant reception. In the grand scheme of things, making an investment in a well-constructed app has the potential to yield substantial returns through heightened sales and enhanced customer contentment. 

Guide to Build Shopping App Like Shein cta

Hire Vlink’s App Developers for Your Shopping Business 

Online shopping apps must meet several standards, including engaging features and tools. It is important to find a company with many years of experience producing quality paper. But the real question is: how much does it cost to create an app for online shopping? 

In fact, many organizations struggle to invest large sums of money. Therefore, you must save all the pricing information you entered. We have included all the important points so that you can read this article and understand app development costs better. 

If you are looking for a reliable mobile app development company that can help you create the mobile app of your dreams, VLink is here to help you. With experienced designers, it's easy to get the best products like Shein! 

Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to develop an online shopping app like Shein?

The development timeline varies based on factors like the app's complexity and the development team's experience. Typically, it can take several months to a year to build a fully-featured online shopping app.

How can I ensure the security of user data and payment information in my app?

To ensure security, implement encryption, secure APIs, and follow best practices. You can also integrate trusted payment gateways and regularly update your app to address security vulnerabilities. 

To ensure security, implement encryption, secure APIs, and follow best practices. You can also integrate trusted payment gateways and regularly update your app to address security vulnerabilities.

You can monetize your app through various methods such as in-app purchases, subscription models, affiliate marketing, and collaborations with brands or influencers. Choose a strategy that suits your app and audience. 

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